
Feb 13, 20203 min

New Year, New Website & New EP

Well it looks like Spring is breaking through!!! I have to admit I am NOT a fan of Winter, in Ireland our days are particularly short and some days it is dark by 3pm and my body just wants to shut down and go to sleep I am one of those people who is very affected by the lack of sunlight BUT this Winter I had to put my head down, get stuck in and just keep ploughing through.

As a result there are lots of good things on the horizon that I am looking forward to sharing with you! :) so bear with me as I try to get a hang of this Blog business.

As you can see my website has a fresh new look that compliments the look and feel of my 'Broken By Design' music was about this time last year that we filmed it in Hooper, Utah, Nathan Moffet and Anthony Mesler and Brandy Gilliam producer and owner of volunteered to make this video after they heard the song and felt really inspired by the message, so off we went and filmed on the gorgeous Widdison farm owned by James King's family who was actually the photographer who took all these amazing pictures of the video shoot and my new website picture...he just turned up and asked if he could take some photos as we shot the video and I am so so so grateful that he did because he is so talented and we have all these gorgeous photos!!!! you can catch him on Instagram @jamesking photo.

So for me 2020 has a nice ring to it apparently it's the year of "completion" I think that may be true for many people for me it's a significant year my son is due to graduate from high school and go to college my new performing arts studio 'SHINE' opens in March and I have learned some life lessons over the last 5 years that I can't ignore.

The main areas I learned I had to address were to Simplify, the importance of Boundaries and to really be courageous in being Authentic.

I have also had to face the realities of transitioning into 'mid life' and to pay particular attention to the signs the universe and God are telling me I need to go in....that can be hard!!! I'm constantly torn between the desire to do so many things and the reality of how much of that is possible and how much is not really part of the plan God has for me, so rather than 'pushing' for what I feel I should be doing I'm taking a step back and listening to the quiet whispers of where I need to be on my life's journey....(does anyone else feel like that?)

Anyway I'm looking forward to sharing some more of those 'whisperings' and 'nuggests of truth' with you as I navigate the rest of my journey and try to follow what my gifts are calling me to do.

For now I hope you enjoy 'Broken By Design' I was so blessed to work on this EP with Ron Saltmarsh who produced and arranged it and Jim Hollister who also produced and co-wrote the title track 'Broken By Design' with Ron....they are absolute legends and have been performing and writing most of their lives and currently are in one of the top favourite bands in Utah Joshua Creek...check them out

Also a big thank you again to Allen Kreutzkamp who listened to the whisperings of the spirit and had the faith to follow and believed in me, there really are no words to express my gratitude and humility for such generosity and the sharing of his gifts....lets keep this going folks and continue to help and bless others through the gifts we have been given. XXX

Some pictures from our 'Broken By Design' shoot in a cold March...Hooper, Utah...these guys were absolute legends...sharing their gifts and making things happen.

Spring in breaking through!!!! Snowdrops from Knocktemple, Virginia, Co. Cavan, Ireland.
